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Mark Madsen

If you would like a free phone consultation to discuss if you are a good fit to become part of my team. Please complete the form below:
Mark Madsen — Former Firefigter, and now working as a Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach.
I was a small kid growing up, the youngest and smallest in my class, but when it came to sports, that was a totally differen ... Read More

Qualifications: Personal Trainer , Process Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Firefighter

Specialities: Bodybuilding, Nutrition, Strength Training/Conditioning, Weightlifting, Weight Loss

If you would like a free phone consultation to discuss if you are a good fit to become part of my team. Please complete the form below:
Mark Madsen — Former Firefigter, and now working as a Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach.
I was a small kid growing up, the youngest and smallest in my class, but when it came to sports, that was a totally different story.
Coming from a family who was very active in sports, my first thought was "I want to be a pro athlete"...
I won a lot of trophys starting from the age of 6 and going on until the age of 18.
Then the thing happened that most athletes fear.
"Injuries ruined my further progress"
But i didn´t stop me from thinking about my future in the sports industry.
I just needed a different approach
So after finishing school and gratuating as a firefigter, I got my education as a personal trainer.
I first got the taste for fitness, when I was starting as a firefigter at the age of 19. My weight was in the middle range of 65 kg, but with a lot of time in the gym 7 month later I was looking at a better version of myself, and also not the smallest anymore, weighing in at 80 kg.
I knew from that moment in time that I would help others getting the results they are fighting so hard for.
My philosophy which I have used for many years is simple: If you want to feel, look, and perform a certain way then you have to follow the principles that will get you that result."

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